Shri Rakesh Sethi, Former Chairman & Managing Director of Allahabad Bank, has also served as the Executive Director of Punjab National Bank and Executive Director of Union Bank. He has over 35 years of banking experience and has dealt with verticals like treasury, domestic foreign business and international banking, retail banking, transaction banking, third party products distribution, personal banking and operations, government business, corporate communication, central audit and inspection, credit policy, credit recovery and legal services and rural and agri business, overseeing Zones of Mumbai, Pune, Bhopal, Lucknow and Varanasi.
Shri Sethi also served as Chairman of the Board of JSC SB PNB-Kazakhstan – an overseas joint venture and on the Board of PNB Housing Finance Ltd., PNB Gilts Ltd. and India Factoring & Finance Solutions Ltd. Shri Sethi is a B.Com, LLB and Diploma holder in Personnel Management and also a Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance. He is a Gold Medalist in Master of Commerce from Osmania University, Hyderabad.