The talented young artists from various Classes VI-VIII, showcased their creativity and love for nature at the Van Mahotsav 2023 Art Competition held on July 7, 2023. With their paintbrushes and imagination, they unleashed a vibrant burst of colors on their canvases, depicting the beauty and importance of trees and forests. Each artwork told a unique story, capturing the essence of nature's magnificence and the urgent need to protect our green spaces. The competition not only celebrated their artistic skills but also instilled a deep sense of environmental consciousness among the participants, fostering a generation of eco-conscious artists. The SAIoneers left an indelible mark with their breathtaking creations, reminding us all to cherish and preserve the precious gift of nature.
Their creative work earned them high appreciation and recognition. Dibyanshee Jena from Class VII secured the 1st prize, while Banshika Jena from Class VIII received the 2nd prize. Anshuman Jena, also from Class VIII, claimed the 3rd prize. Additionally, Mehr Seal from Class VIII Cambridge and Saanvi Agarwal from Class VIII were awarded consolation prizes.