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SAIoneers Selected Among the Top 95 Project Rankings of India at the IRIS National Fair

by SAI Admin

24 December, 2022

We are thrilled to announce that Shreyansh Vikas Mishra, Nishant Kartik Nayak & Shibam Sundar Mahakud of Class XI have qualified for the IRIS National Fair, with their science models selected amidst the Top 95 Projects of the country. SAIoneer Sheyansh presented his individual project based on Embedded Systems whilst SAIoneers Nishant & Shibam collaborated to design 2 ingenious models, one based on Engineering Mechanics while the other based on Physics & Astronomy.

IRIS National Fair, A Program by EXSTEMPLAR Education Linkers Foundation, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, promotes and nurtures science and scientific research among young Indian innovators, whilst recognising and rewarding outstanding projects. It provides a platform for winning students to represent India at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the world’s largest international pre-college science competition, held annually in the U.S. 

SAI International is immensely proud of SAIoneers Shreyansh, Nishant & Sibam for contributing immensely as young innovators towards the STEM domain of the country & beyond.