Shreyansh Vikas Mishra, an exceptional student from SAI International School, has achieved a significant milestone by securing a spot in the prestigious Sakura Japan Exchange Program. This initiative, overseen by the National Innovation Foundation (NIF) under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, serves as a catalyst for cross-cultural learning and innovation.
Shreyansh's selection for this esteemed program underscores his remarkable potential and unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of science and technology. The Sakura Japan Exchange Program is poised to provide him with a unique platform to collaborate and interact with international peers, facilitating a dynamic exchange of ideas and experiences.
"I am truly honoured and excited to be a part of the Sakura Japan Exchange Program," Shreyansh expressed with enthusiasm. "This opportunity is not only a recognition of my efforts but also an avenue to broaden my horizons and contribute meaningfully to the realm of innovation."
The Sakura Japan Exchange Program is designed to expose young minds like Shreyansh to diverse perspectives, fostering an environment where cultural exchange seamlessly intertwines with the spirit of innovation. As Shreyansh embarks on this enriching journey, his participation promises to leave an indelible mark on his academic and personal growth.
Dr Silpi Sahoo, Chairperson, SAI International, lauded Shreyansh's achievement, stating, "We take immense pride in Shreyansh's accomplishment. His selection speaks volumes about his dedication and potential to excel on the global stage. We are confident that he will represent our institution and the country with distinction."
Shreyansh's participation in the Sakura Japan Exchange Program is a testament to his promise as a future innovator, and his experiences are expected to serve as a source of inspiration for aspiring students in the fields of science and technology.
Shreyansh was also presented with Inspire Awards at Manak 9th National Award for his entrepreneurial project (Novel Ergonomics) at the Festival of Innovations & Entrepreneurship (FINE), an initiative to recognise, respect, showcase, reward innovations and to foster a supportive ecosystem for innovators, organised by Rashtrapati Bhavan & hosted by Hon’ble President of India, in association with the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and the National Innovation Foundation. Hon’ble President of India, Droupadi Murmu inaugurated the festival on April 10-13, 2023.
Shreyansh had previously made his way into the top 60 from 6.53 lakh ideas, received from across India at Inspire Awards -Manak, 9th National Level Exhibition & Project Competition (NLEPC) by National Innovation Foundation Department of Science and Technology, Govt. Of India.