SAIoneers have once again made SAI International proud with their brilliant performance in the NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) 2022, the result of which was declared on Thursday, September 8, 2022. The unbroken saga of success continues as SAIoneer Priya Somadutta Nayak creates new benchmarks by securing AIR 39 and becoming the State Topper for this year by scoring 705 marks with a percentile of 99.9976198.
Saumya Sajan Panda secured Sate Rank 2 by with a score of 686 & a percentile of 99.9744981, while 3 meritorious students, Suryansu Kumar Dash( AIR 475) , Pratik Sahoo (AIR 504*) and Abhipsa Padhi (AIR 533), shared the State Rank 3 with a score of 685 & a percentile of 99.965374. SAI International is immensely proud of all the 3 State Rank Holders being our very own SAIoneers. SAI is delighted about these SAIoneers elevating the level of excellence every approaching year by bringing in great laurels to the school & flourishing further with their careers in various competencies. It is incredible to note that many of our SAIoneers have secured good scores in NEET 2022.