SAI International School represented India at the ‘Be the Change’ (BTC) Conference held in Taiwan from November 30th to December 2nd, 2018, for the ‘100 Library Project’.
‘100 Library Project’ is a philanthropic initiative envisioned by students of SAI International School to support students from under-privileged schools in and around the twin cities of Cuttack and Bhubaneswar, by providing them with a fully functional library. The project also involves imparting training to teachers on book keeping and record keeping. Through demonstration they are briefed on how to conduct story telling session, make library period more interactive and productive as well as how to inculcate a love for book reading in the students. Regular monitoring and assessments are conducted at regular intervals to ensure proper outcome.
The student-led project was selected as part of the DFC I CAN School Challenge 2017, owing to the great work done by the young students. Class XII students Ayushi Mohanty and Vishnu Lohia along with Ms Jessica Patnaik, International Coordinator represented the school on this global platform.
The students made a presentation at the conference in Taiwan which was highly appreciated by the crowd. They also had a brilliant interactive session with DFC Heads from various countries including Founder – DFC, Ms. Kiran Bir Sethi.
The BTC celebration honours and recognizes the young agents of change for their courage and determination to change the world around them. It also brings together students from various parts of the world to not only share their stories but also learn from each other. This year students from 56 countries will be present to showcase their projects.