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SAI International School Investiture Ceremony 2019

by SAI Admin

22 July, 2019

The annual Investiture Ceremony of SAI International School was conducted on Monday, July 22, 2019. The newly inducted leaders of the Student Council 2019-20 and the leaders of different Clubs were adorned with sashes and pinned the badges, by Founder SAI International Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo, Vice Chairperson Dr. Silpi Sahoo and Sr.Principal Shri Nilakantha Panigrahi.

SAIoneers Rishu Nideesh Pathak and Shivangi Sharma were selected as the Head Boy and Head Girl respectively for the current session. Congratulating the student leaders, Dr. Sahoo said that leader is that person who can see what others cannot, he or she not only commands but takes the lead from the front. The annual Investiture Ceremony of SAI International School is held every year to bestow the young students with the responsibility of leading their school with commitment and confidence, whereby helping them inculcate the qualities of a 21st century leader.