Dr. Subas Pani, IAS, former Chief Secretary of Odisha delivered the SAI Decadal Lecture on the occasion of the Decadal celebration of SAI International School. In his address, he appreciated SAI for introducing the concept of Day Boarding, Internationalism, futuristic infrastructure and innovative curriculum in the state. He lauded the school for creating new benchmarks whereby setting standards for other schools in the state to get inspired and emulate. He said that many schools of the state aspire to reach the yardstick set by SAI and several schools have elevated their own level of excellence in the process.
Addressing the students, Dr. Pani spoke at length on the alarming environmental hazards and gave valuable suggestions on the management of Wind, Water, Weather and Waste. He inspired the young minds through various examples to ensure a greener and cleaner environment and advised them to make collective efforts in small and large groups to create awareness on environment. He also advised them to have a clear vision and act beyond the realms of their personal self, to make a positive difference in the society.