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Leadership and Service Across Borders: Global Dialogue on 'The Future of Humanity'

by SAI Admin

24 January, 2024

In a virtual symphony of ideas and insights, The Assam Valley School in India orchestrated a remarkable RS Zoom Postcard under the theme "The Future of Humanity." This unique event seamlessly connected approximately 130 students from 20 schools across seven countries, including Canada, India, France, Germany, Pakistan, South Africa, and the UAE.

SAIoneers embarked on a thought-provoking journey as they were assigned Barazas, each centered around different ideals such as Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventures, Leadership, and Service. Under the Leadership topic, the focus was on sculpting "The Leader Our World Needs."

Throughout the session, students engaged in profound discussions on topics ranging from the meaning of Secularism in their respective countries to analysing the actions of political leaders. World geopolitics, representation of disadvantaged groups in lawmaking bodies, and the Israel-Hamas conflict were also on the agenda. The resounding conclusion drawn was that for ideal leadership, Diversity, Credibility, and Accountability are indispensable in the realm of politics.

Under the theme of Social Service, the topic explored was "Social Service: An Act of Selflessness or Selfishness." A comprehensive discussion unfolded, delving into the various intentions and approaches people have towards social service. The focal point was the contrast between those who engage in acts of kindness with a genuine desire to help others and those who do it for self-promotion on social media or advertising purposes. Despite the diverse motivations, the brighter side emerged – people in need were served.

The RS Zoom Postcard became a melting pot of cultures, perspectives, and ideals, underscoring the power of global collaboration and the significance of understanding diverse viewpoints. The Assam Valley School's initiative not only broadened the horizons of its students but also illuminated the path toward a more interconnected and harmonious future for humanity.