On the advent of Children's Day, the Interact Club members of SAI International invited 21 girls over from the Asha Kiran Orphanage in Niladri Vihar Bhubaneswar for a delectable lunch at SAI International School on November 14, 2022.
It was indeed a special day for these children as they put on vibrant attires & engaged in several intriguing activities planned throughout the day. The Interact Club member gave these girls a mini tour of the school & bestowed upon them special gifts as evinced by these girls in their wishlist. In collaboration with the teachers, they put forth a campaign to collect & donate ration worth of 2 months to the orphanage. The school further conferred insightful story books, stationary & other study materials for the residents of Asha Kiran ! This endeavour was a wonderful activity to embed empathy within the young Interact Club Members & help them connect with others in their community by practising thoughtfulness & helpfulness towards others.
As a whole, this Intercat Club Initiative was a ‘shower of warmth’ and filled the SAIoneers with compassion and they experienced a feeling of self-actualization by contributing towards making a small change in their communities. The prominent take away for the students was that in giving we always receive.