Business and Science Model Competition at SAI International School - Best CBSE School in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, SAI International SchoolBest CBSE School in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, SAI International School Business and Science Model Competition at SAI International School - Best CBSE School in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, SAI International School



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Business and Science Model Competition at SAI International School

by SAI Admin

17 October, 2015

SAI International School had organized a Business Model Competition and a Science Model competition, on October 15; 16, 2015 respectively. The first day witnessed, various business models prepared by the young entrepreneurs of the school, under the aegis of the teachers, keeping safety of the environment as the primary concern. The Business Model Competition was inaugurated by Shri. Amitabh Jhingan, Partner; National Leader, Education practice, Ernst & Young. He along with Dr. Bijoy Kumar Sahoo, Chairman, SAI International School and SAI International College of Commerce, patiently went through all the models prepared by the students and gave the SAIoneers some suggestions to make their projects even better. Shri. Jhingan shared his experience of working with some of the established entrepreneurs and said, “Teamwork, identifying your customers and your competition in the market and improving your product according to the needs of the customers are the thing which should be kept on focus, when you plan to be an entrepreneur.” Complementing the school and congratulating the participants, he concluded by saying, “Try to follow the rule of learning a new thing every day and nobody can stop you from being successful.”

The school had organized a Science Model Exhibition-cum-Competition for the students of Class XI and XII on the second day i.e. October 16, 2015. The occasion was inaugurated and graced by Shri Ashok Kumar Nayak, Lect. Chemistry, BJB College, Bhubaneswar and Shri. Prasant Kumar Parida, Lect. Physics, BJB College, Bhubaneswar. The young scientists of the school presented various models corresponding to the modern day’s technology, which were highly appreciated and applauded by the Chief Guests.