Page 3 - SAI International News Bulletin
P. 3
y Bulletin
SAI Chronicles Weekly Bulletin
I Chr
Doctor’s Day
To commemorate the Doctors' Day,
the members of Classes I to XII put
before us stories that speak of two
very important things that God has
gifted us- Plants-The Life Givers and
Doctors-The Life Savers. To pay our
respect to doctors in India, students
celebrated Doctor’s Day on 1st July
every year.
The kids used handmade props,
masks, puppets, skits, posters, PPT
presentations on health and how
doctors help us protect it. They used
their creativity with perfection and
gave us clarity to realize the
importance of the role of doctors and
the difference they made to the
It made us proud to see them put
before us in their unique ways how
much they understood the
importance of the doctors and went
on to pay them wonderful tributes to
SAIoneers understood the critical life, extending life and improving lives are some of the contributions these
role they played in society, saving apron wearing armies make for us.
International Plastic Bag Free Day
Through the power of education and
awareness, SAI International teaches
our children the harmful effects of
using plastic and what harm they
bring to our environment. Our
S A I o n e e r s c e l e b r a t e d t h e
International Plastic Bag Free Day
made easily accessible and made
bags with the most widely available
resource, newspapers! Our young
SAIoneers across grades from
primary classes to XII shared
presentations, videos, and spoke
about the concerns and probable
solutions to address this pressing
They came armed with old marine ecosystem in particular is pledged to use their creations
newspapers, old shoe strings and a bit suffering immensely as a result of instead of plastic. They also talked
of glue to mend all these items plastic pollution. International about telling their family members
together and create a sustainable Plastic Bag Free Day is dedicated to to also start using this alternative!
alternative to plastic bags. Plastic heightening awareness about these It was such a fun and high
pollution is a global catastrophe and and very real and pressing issues enthusiasm filled activity that
sadly it is a man-made one. This is brought about by this most popular of boosted their morels to be the
having an extremely detrimental disposable carrying devices. change they wish to see in the
effect on the environment, wildlife The environmentalist in them went world! Lets’s be part of the solution,
and indeed human health. The as far as to decorate their bags and not part of the pollution.