Page 2 - SAI International News Bulletin
P. 2

SAI Chronicles Weekly Bulletin
                                                                                                    y Bulletin
                                                                         I Chr
       in  afforestation  as  the  forest  area
       across the country has decreased due
       to deforestation.
       Our  industrious  and  assiduous
       SAIoneers showed their indebtedness
       to  nature  by  planting  trees,  gifting
       plants to near and dear ones, learned
       how  to  make  seed  bombs,  writing
       slogans on posters ( plant a tree get
       oxygen-free) and the list is endless.
       It was thrilling to see the students so
       deeply engrossed in the activity. Their
       concern for nature was incredible to
       see  how  genuinely  concerned  the
       students  were  in  the  noble  cause  of
       protecting Mother Earth.

          World UFO Day

       On  July  2nd,  SAI  International
       School   celebrated the World UFO
       Day  to  create  awareness  about
       Unidentified  Flying  Objects  and
       alien  life  forms  that  fascinates  the
       young minds of children worldwide.
       The fascination with the unexplained
       never  goes  away  after  growing  up
       too.  On  July  2,  not  only  sci-fi
       enthusiasts  but  everyone  on  planet
       earth  got  an  opportunity  to
       celebrate World UFO Day. The first
       World UFO Day was celebrated in
       2001  by  UFO  researcher  Haktan
       A  UFO  is  an  unidentified  flying
       object  that  cannot  immediately  be
       identified or explained. Most UFOs
       are  identified  or  investigated  as
       conventional objects or phenomena.
       The  term  is  used  widely  to  claim
       sightings  of  extra-terrestrial
       spaceships  of  aliens,  visiting  the
       earth. UFOs are the subject of many
       conspiracy  theories  around  the
       world,  even  though  most  sightings
       have  been  explained  by  scientists.
       World UFO Day is an awareness day
       for  people  to  gather  together  and
       watch  the  skies  to  search  for
       unidentified  flying  objects.  The
       occasion  was  celebrated  across
       grades from primary class to XII, our
       UFO  enthusiasts    educated  their
       peers in the virtual classes about the
       ‘undisputed evidence’ that UFOs are
       real. The students had made various
       presentaions,posters,  speeches  to
       commemorate the day.
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