Debating is one of the best educational training that gives insightful and everlasting benefits to a student. Fostering debating skills at school level widens the horizon from a tender age and increase mental agility.
The prestigious Chairman’s Cup debate for Classes IX and X was conducted on Wednesday, August 29, 2018 on the topic, ‘Reservation System – A boon or bane for India’. Twenty-eight students selected after a rigorous procedure spoke brilliantly for and against the motion in presence of students, teachers and Jury members. Students who spoke for the motion pointed out that Reservation is the voice of the depressed class, bridges socio-economic differences, is a method to encourage backward classes etc.
However, students speaking against the motion delved on the various barrier created by the system and specified that one cannot uplift someone at the cost of other. They spoke about opportunities of meritorious students getting snatched whereby forcing them to go to other countries. Some of them stated that a larger community is going backward in the name of reservation while many spoke about the politics behind the system.
The students were judged on the basis of content, diction, order of thought, body language and rebuttal. Most of the students agreed to the fact that India still has a long way to go to find social equality and the current reservation system has created more barriers than bridges.
There was a special session where the participants answered to the queries poised by the audience. Chairman Dr. Bijoy K Sahoo highly applauded the dynamic orators and said that though the topic was difficult, yet students displayed excellent oratory skill which reflected their intense thought process and in-depth research.
Dr. Sahoo opined that to bring about social equality, a system of reservation should be in place only in the field of education till Class XII or maximum can be extended till Graduation level. He shared that quota system should not prevail beyond that for professional courses.
Students participating in debates develop a rigorous and critical thinking that brings in a sense of empowerment which instills confidence in them. Reasoning and framing meaningful sentences, with ideas on spot, results in making a student responsible and matured. It also greatly amplifies the coherence of reading, analyzing and speaking of a student.