“We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges.” – Tim Berners – Lee
To support students and teachers on their intercultural learning (ICL) journeys and help them know the basics of ICL and the educational benefits of the AFS experience, AFS conducted the first level of training at SAI International School from January 6 to 8, 2019. It was conducted by Ms. Sarita Badhwar, Consultant, AFS India.
The training for Teachers was conducted on January 6 & 8, 2019 where twenty-nine teachers of the school undertook the first level of training. In the interactive workshop, teachers learnt about the Educational Approach and the various Programs of AFS, Cognitive and learning styles emphasizing on the theory and practice of Kolb’s learning cycle, Linking Intercultural learning to realities, on what Culture is and its concepts, the values and dimensions of culture as well as its adaptation. It also focussed on the importance of various communication styles and suspended judgements.
The workshop for the students was conducted on Monday, January 7, 2019. Forty-four senior students attended the workshop which imparted training on United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how to become the Change Agents. As part of the training, Shri Sujit Mahapatra, Founder, Bakul Foundation spoke on his own struggles, challenges and success of becoming a change maker. He elaborated on how he is linked with the SDGs like Education and environment.
Through interactive talks and collaborative hands-on activities, participants explored their own role as global citizens and change makers. The aim of the workshop is to gather youths to reflect on the issues affecting the world and how they can work together to help advance the UN-SDGs.
The AFS training is an ongoing developmental process aimed at imparting intercultural competence. It aims to equip the teachers with skills that will enable them to work in environment filled with diversity and help them in edify students to become Global Change makers and leaders in their own field.
AFS encourages people to embrace their “learning to live together” philosophy and foster intercultural understanding to create positive change for a more just and peaceful world.