The greatest achievement of man is crossing the boundaries of this Earth and landing in Space.
Greetings! I am Samriddhi Agrawal of Class X F, a student of SAI International School.
I am fortunate to have embarked on an exposure visit to ISRO this year along with 19 other participants. ISRO is one of the largest space agencies in the world. Its vision is to harness space technology for national development while pursuing space science research and planetary exploration.
At ISRO I saw two kinds of satellites like Optical Wave Satellite and Micro Wave Satellite, which gives greater resolution and is compatible in all weather condition. The payloads I watched being made were designed and developed in a way which catered to the needs of that satellite perfectly. There I got to know that there are many kinds of rockets, satellites and spacecrafts, that are designed keeping in mind the challenges which can come across in space. I got to know about the increasing space traffic and the space graveyards that we have built.
I also got an opportunity to witness the massive ‘PLASIV’, which gave me the experience of real space photography carved out on a screen. The Vikram Sarabhai Space Exhibition and the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) at Ahmedabad helped us unravel many mysteries about space. I discovered that the Sun sings! At PRL, I got to know many more interesting facts and latest updates on the Sun, Moon, Stars and other Planets. The presentations gave me a clear insight about how we use our telescope with resolution to capture better images of the celestial bodies. It was wonderful to see the working behind Chandrayan.
The interaction with the Scientists really moved me. It was a dream come true for me. I went there with a plethora of questions to discover their answers and I came with plenty more! The humongous amount of appreciation that poured in from everyone filled my heart with deep joy. This made me realize that nothing is impossible. This gave wings to my imagination…I might be one of them in the future.