SAI Asirvada, the annual Blessing Ceremony of SAI International School was conducted on Monday, January 27, 2020, to bless the students of Class XII for their upcoming board examination and for a successful future. Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo, Founder and Mentor, SAI International and Dr. Silpi Sahoo, Vice Chairperson, SAI International along with all the Principals, and Teachers blessed the Class XII students from Humanities, Commerce and Science stream. It was amazing to watch the students presented with an ‘Uttariya’ each amidst showering of flower petals by their teachers.
Dr. Sahoo advised the students to be conscious in each of their action and understand their responsibility as well as prepare themselves to deal with the various challenges of life with dignity and poise. He said that our constant endeavour is to create situations where not only the values are ingrained in each one of you, but also enable you to think ahead of time, so that you emerge as a better and stronger human being. Shri Nilakantha Panigrahi, Senior Principal said that ‘when you go out, remember one thing, understand and realize the importance of ‘Learning to Learn’.
A day-long celebration was conducted amidst fun, frolic and gaiety with power packed performances and foot tapping music organized by students of Class XI. Students decked up in their formal best, made the ambience colorful and lively. A wave of nostalgia gripped the air when students recalled memorable moments to cherish. They shared fond memories and sentiments on their school life and the depth of feelings for their mentors. On behalf of the outgoing students, Head Boy, Rishu Needesh Pathak and Head Girl, Shivangi Sharma thanked all the teachers and students for their love and support, and for bringing them a step closer to their dream.