Page 3 - SIS News Bulletin
P. 3

SAi Chronicles Weekly Bulletin

        British Deputy High Commissioner Visits SAi International School

       British Deputy High Commissioner                                      AL SCHOOL'
       M  r   N i c k   L o w   v i s i t e d   S A i
       International School on Wednesday,

       November 2  2021  He was

       acc    wa    and
       given an escorted tour of the School
         S  An  M    ha  a
       discussio  w  Chairperson Dr.

         Saho  and other member  of

         S  Leadersh  Te  on
       various collaborative projects of the
       British Council with School.
       He spoke about opportunities given
       by the British High Commission for
       young Indians desirou  of studying

       in UK Universities as well as on the
       role of British Council to elevate the
       l e v e l   o f   e d u c a t i o n   t h r o u g h
       standardization of English. Mr. Low  He  appreciated  all  the  international  countries like UK, USA, Uganda and
       advised everyone to be enthusiastic  programs being done in the School,  China. He was very happy to see the
       learners  as  the  boundaries  of our  social connect activities taken up by  various  labs,  virtual classrooms,  the
       knowledge of our world are much      the school as well as on the School's  Art, Music and Sports arenas that have
       beyond the classroom.                Global Dimension projects with other  been  crucial  towards  the  holistic
                                                                                 immersive learning of the students.
                                                                                 Mr Nick Low, British Deputy High
                                                                                 Commissioner,  stated  "  I  am  quite
                                                                                 excited to go around the school, the
                                                                                 virtual classes are being conducted in
                                                                                 a  very  creative  manner  both  in
                                                                                 cognitive  and  non  -cognitive.  The
                                                                                 implementation of the global IGCSE
                                                                                 course is very noteworthy indeed and
                                                                                 students will immensely benefit out
                                                                                 of it,  when  move  abroad  for  their
                                                                                 higher studies. I am looking forward
                                                                                 for  future  collaborations  with  SAi
                                                                                 International School."
                                                                                 W  i th  such  homegrown  talents
                                                                                 getting  a  competitive  platform,
                                                                                 SAioneers are positively engaged in
                                                                                 constructive activities in midst of the
                                                                                 pandemic  and  continue  to  perform
                                                                                 towards academic and non-academic
                                                                                 lost  in  the  world  of their  learning.
                                                                                 The  world  of  education  is  ever
                                                                                 changing and our interconnectedness
                                                                                 is ever increasing.  New theories and
                                                                                 practices  come  and  go.  Without
                                                                                 learning of these changes, we cannot
                                                                                 discover those that may be superior.
                                                                                 In order to become a more effective ,
                                                                                 it is essential that we determine for
                                                                                 ourselves  how  those  superior
                                                                                 theories and practices can be used to
                                                                                 advantage our students become  the
                                                                                 future leaders of our society.
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