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y Bulletin
                                                                     SAI Chronicles Weekly Bulletin
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        About Novel Ergonomics
       Scientists and researchers of national   Shreyansh's  project  NOVEL  solution  for  neck  discomfort,  this
       &  international  repute  from  across   ERGONOMICS is based on a neck  device  aims  to  reduce  the  pain,
       the  globe  attended  FINE  &        sensor  device  that  indicates  wrong  discomfort,  mental  and  physical
       applauded  Shreyansh's  model  &     sitting  posture  when  people  are  agony  for  people  sitting  for  long
       showing their support by suggesting   forced  to  sit  for  a  long  time  on  hours  of  work,  improving  overall
       ingenious various ways to market it.   gadgets.  An  easy  and  affordable  posture  &  work  productivity.  This
                                                                                 innovative model by Shreyansh has
                                                                                 demonstrated remarkable ingenuity,
                                                                                 tenacity, and a deep-seated passion
                                                                                 for  science  &  innovation.  Novel
                                                                                 Ergonomics  as  a  model  will
                                                                                 definitely shine in the Future Start Up
                                                                                 India scenario & immensely contribute
                                                                                 towards the health-care sector.

        ATAL Tinkering Lab: Harnessing Scientific Enquiry & Creative Innovation Among Young Critical Thinkers

       SAI  International's  Atal  Tinkering
       Lab (ATL) has been instrumental in
       creating a pool of talent that is future
       ready,  by  introducing  and  exposing
       students to essential world skills; to
       get them to think out of the box, and
       break  boundaries  and  make

                                            something unique in the process. The
                                            ATL  of  SAI  International  School
                                            provides  training  to  students  from
                                            Classes VI to XII on different kinds of
                                            Mechanical  and  Electrical  tools,  their
                                            uses  and  handling,  Robotics,  3D
                                            printing,  Internet  of  Things  (IOT),
                                            Design  thinking,  Prototyping  and
                                            Programming.  The  lab  is  well-
                                            equipped  with  different  tools,
                                            electronic items, Sensors, 3D pen, 3D
                                            printers,  IOT  devices  and  high-end
                                            computers.  The  state-of-the-art
                                            facilities  and  active  mentoring  by
                                            experts at SAI help the students to come
                                            up with various innovative projects.
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